The Welcome to Coventry sign is now live!
You can now view the sign in the newly developed train station building!
The sign is located on the 2nd floor and can be accessed directly via the Warwick Road entrance.
Measuring over 2m wide and weighing around 130kg, the sign is a collaborative community textile piece made by the residents of Coventry as a symbolic 'welcome' to all those entering the City. To create the sign each participant stitched a design that represents them and why they love the city. You can view everyone's works of art and the stories behind them via our instagram @welcometocoventrysign

Photo by Aaron Law Photography.
On behalf of the Creative Giants, Avanti West Coast and Coventry City Council; Luisa Freitas and Charis Esther would like to say a huge thank you to all the groups and volunteers that helped create this wonderful piece, including participants from:
Chat Central
Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre
Creative Kindness & Friends
Foleshill Creates
Girlguiding Coventry South
Men's Shed
Myton Hospice
NOW Network
Phoenix Stitchers
Radford Academy Primary
Sidney Stringer Primary Academy
Warwick University
The Weaver's House
Young Carers
We would also like to say a BIG thank you to the Nicola Jarvis Studio for the generous donation of threads and,
to Kevin Tidbury who expertly constructed the sign and sealed it in resin.